Unconditional Love

This year as Christmas neared I decided to sew holiday scarves for our dog and for pets of friends and family. It was more than likely a subconscious effort to grow closer to our own dog, Sadie, who was in my husband’s life way before I appeared. Guess what? Turns out Oprah was right, you can’t go wrong with giving people gifts for their pets. This must be because the love between a human and pet is unlike any other.

Tonight, Christmas Eve, seems like an opportune time to think about the connection between pets and their owners. It also seems like the perfect time to ponder unconditional love. It seems easy, right? We love our siblings, parents, partners, and friends; but love between humans is complicated. Yet, on a daily basis many of us have examples of true unconditional love at arm’s length. Who truly loves unconditionally? Your pet. A colleague once described how deep the grief can be for losing a pet simply because it is the only real unconditional love.

Since the twists and turns of relationships make loving unconditionally challenging for us, doesn’t it seem that we should practice it more? Today and every day let us take the time to love consciously, thinking about the words we say and the actions we take. Let us be attentive enough to always notice the small and big things, and strong enough to forgive. Let our joy show on our faces when we see loved ones (even if we see them every day) and let us protect our loved ones fiercely. Let us be more like our pets.

Check out the furry beauties below!

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Happy holidays and a prosperous new year to all from Twirling Tiny Sticks.

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