Category Archives: Random

Thank God for Dirty Dishes

I woke up early yesterday to work on sewing projects planned out long ago. Although hours later a stack of organic napkins came together, the cutting table remained full with other heaps of cut fabric yearning to be put together to become “something.” I sighed at the thought of more work. My eyes must have veered downward because I saw that my once neat clothes were covered in threads and fabric dust, as is normal after sewing. Annoyed, I thought, “Ugh.” One more thing to do.

Then a memory fluttered through and snapped me out of my woes. That timely memory was of a woman I respect as much as the tallest mountains. I remembered her saying, “Thank God for dirty dishes.” Lucy, a social worker, mentor, and unsurpassed story-teller followed that statement by affirming, “If you have dirty dishes it means you’ve eaten.” Boy, does that change the perspective on what is usually a meaningless chore. The mess on my clothes was more than another task to be tacked on my to-do list. It meant I spent time doing what I love. How lucky am I? Very. Thank God for dirty dishes, threads, fabric dust and Lucy.

Anything can be Beautiful

A few weeks ago I did what I call a “drop by” at a nearby Goodwill. That means I park, go in the store without my purse, quickly scan the furniture, and typically run back to my car when I don’t see anything I want. During this “drop by” I spotted a white metal chair that was priced at $10. I won’t fib and say that what ultimately sealed the purchase wasn’t the steal of deal price, but I also saw something else. I saw potential for beauty and I saw a chance to try a new DIY project.

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After taking the chair apart, sanding, painting, and using a staple gun, I was happy with the results. More importantly, I was reminded that beauty can exist where we allow ourselves permission to see it. Many times what has turned outdated, useless, and tired can be given life and become beautiful again if given time and opportunity.

Anything can be beautiful.

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