Tag Archives: love

A Common Cause

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This picture could easily be confused with a regular Friday night of social gathering at a local restaurant. Look closer and you’ll notice a glue gun on the table and scissors and felt in our hands. What I see in this picture is community, collaborative work, a common cause, family, but mostly love. I see a group of people who when asked at the last minute to help with a special project said yes without hesitation.

Last Friday we worked into the night to make red rosettes out of felt for guests who would attend my husband’s grandmother’s memorial the next day.  I can say for a fact that not everyone pictured here would usually be found crafting on a Friday night, but a common idea, desire, or love can bring us together so quickly. In a short time we had 80 rosettes to bring a tiny dash of grandma’s favorite color to everyone who would celebrate her the next day. In times of great loss moments of closeness like this one are memories that will hopefully not easily escape us.

I highly recommend crafting in restaurants but more than that I recommend crafting in restaurants with those you love.

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Rosette Recipe
1. Gather some red and green felt, hot glue, glue gun, safety pins, hair clips, and some relatives or friends.
2. Ask your husband to cut out circles from the red felt. A container of Clorox wipes makes a great circle template.
3. Ask your artist brother-in-law to cut out leaves from the green felt. He should cut them out freehand because you don’t want to give an artist a template.
4. Cut each circle into a spiral.
5. Ask your sister-in-law to roll the spirals, secure them with hot glue, and then add a leaf with more hot glue.
6. Ask your mother-in-law to help with cutting more leaves. We need more leaves.
7. You should fill in wherever needed.
8. Everyone should laugh and talk as much as possible.
8. Drink beer. It makes crafting more fun.

Note: Above relatives can be substituted as desired.


Happy Anniversary, Valentine’s Day, and Love

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It’s Valentine’s Day and it’s also the first year anniversary for Twirling Tiny Sticks blog. One year ago today I planned to post on a weekly basis as I nervously clicked the publish button on that first post. Although I write less than I planned, the year was filled with other firsts. I took part in my first craft shows and I made my first Etsy sales! My goals for this year? Yes, write more and sew more, but my biggest goal is to put myself first and love myself more. I know what you’re thinking, “Selfish!” I believe it’s the least selfish thing one can do, and what a perfect day to start doing it.

The fact is that you can’t take care of others, love others, and be good for others if you don’t care and love yourself first. Valentine’s Day is usually the opportunity to remind others how much we love them. How often do you remind yourself? I suggest taking a piece of today to do something you love, eat food you find delicious, sleep a little longer, listen to your favorite songs, wear your favorite outfit, or read nestled in a cozy nook for no other reason than simply because you love yourself. Give your energy to the things you love so that your energy will be multiplied and fall into the lives of the people you love and in turn make you a better partner, friend, mother, father, daughter, son…

The real challenge comes in making the relationship with yourself a permanently good one. That takes effort, time, and conscious attention. When that foundation blossoms you will have formed the strongest ability to give and love others because it is true that you’re only as good for others as you are for yourself.

This year I didn’t make a Valentine’s Day craft because I was busy taking care of myself but I found some of my favorite things that remind me of love.

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A portrait of me drawn about nine years ago by my kind and gentle-spirited niece, Sara. It warms my heart each time I see it.

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A beautiful necklace given to me by, unlike no other, Hanna, one of my favorite people and sister-in-law, of Cloud Mountain Crafts

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Pink cupcakes with sprinkles made by my sister-in-law Yaneisy, who I love as my own sister and beyond.

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A felt heart made by me last year, nestled in a beautiful blanket gifted to my husband by his generous and thoughtful parents, Carol and Tommy.

Happy Valentine’s Day from Twirling Tiny Sticks!